Prep Time: | Idle Time: | Cook Time | Pellets: | Serves: |
5 Mins | N/A | 15-20 Min | Any Blend | 2 |
Smoke and Citrus Mimosa
We are adding a little smoke and sweetness to this Mimosa. The oranges are grilled and sugar coated to create a delicious smoky caramelized flavor in this drink. Great to impress your guests at the next celebration.
3-4 whole oranges
¼ cup granulated sugar
Pure maple syrup
-Preheat your grill to 500 degrees.
-Cut 3 whole oranges into halves and slice 1 orange up into thin slices.
-Pour a small amount of maple syrup into a bowl and brush on to each orange half and slice.
-Lightly sprinkle on the sugar evenly coating the entire inner surface.
-Place them face down on the grill for 15-20 minutes and turn them every 5 minutes or so to make sure you have an evenly charred surface.
-Take them off and let them cool for a few minutes before juicing them into a bowl through a strainer. This will help with any pulp.
-Pour that smoky orange juice into your favorite champagne and slice the garnish up for a beautiful presentation.